About Me

I think since I was bought up from a strict background rule of "No make-up till you’re at least 18 & over!!" omg at this point most of my friends had their faces painted on quite thick (teen spot faze) What made it even worse was I went to a school that wouldn't allow girls to wear make-up. When I had the chance to wear makeup I really didn't have a clue what I was doing! My class finished for our exams I was 16 we all planned to go out! This was my one chance of finally putting make up on; I got so scared that I just didn't know what to do! I thought how the hell do I do this?! Right brace yourself, I had no foundation on, concealer, eyelash curlers...what was I thinking? So I kept thing simple...simple is the key

Monday, 2 August 2010

Peaches and Purples.....I really don't know why I put these two colours together, ask and I will give you a blank answer. Maybe because in my dreams last night I dreamt I was a super hero...(OMG why did I even write that?) Well I thought I was this super great women who could fly....have super strength and be as fast as a bullet. Now this dream entailed me rescuing myself... I really don't know what that means....my ulta ego? All I seem to remember was I kept rescuing myself from fall....and then all of a sudden flashes of bright purple and peach would be surrounding me. I felt warmth and comfort...oh god I'm getting all emotional here...anyway I woke up in a right tiz and but all I remembed was these flashes of peach and purples....nice... well enjoy!